Our success story with Landgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Landgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Landgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

At LGMV mbH, around 60 com.LIVIS users handle the management and leasing of agricultural land and bodies of water used for fishing.

Our main client is the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s Ministry of Climate Protection, Agriculture, Rural Regions, and Environment. The agricultural area they manage spans approx. 900 million m², or 90,000 hectares. This corresponds to about 130,000 soccer fields. On top of this, they manage 23,500 hectares of state-owned bodies of water. For about 50,600 hectares, we lease fishing rights on behalf of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the federal government.

By purchasing and selling land as a proprietary business, we particularly support agricultural operations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, but also infrastructure projects, conservation projects, compensatory measures, residential construction, and commercial estate.

For those of us who work in regional sales, this means dealing with a considerable number of incoming contracts, bills, as well as messages from notary publics and authorities on a daily basis – and everything still arrives on paper. With clear procedures, these documents wind up in the hands of the responsible processors in the respective specialist area, but this entails significant administrative efforts. We aimed to improve this over the course of our internal digitization process by means of paperless throughput of the notices within the organization.

We currently process around 1,500 tax and duty notices as part of our commission transactions and proprietary business. This number will increase significantly when the property reform comes into effect in 2025. We’re glad that all incoming documents that make up these notices now run through a digitized process from receipt through to payment. In addition to minimizing the work involved, we also wanted to improve document security and transparency through a paperless throughput. When were which notices received? Where can I find these – securely stored – documents again? We also had to take into account accounting matters in com.LIVIS, requirements from other specialist areas, such as building management, and billing our clients.

During the implementation process, we faced challenges in determining the organizational processes for the digital workflow for processing the notices and coordinating new workflows. In short: Who is doing WHAT, with WHOM, and by WHEN?

We only achieved this thanks to the expertise and organizational support provided by Com In. In addition to preparations and follow-ups for workshops, the company also took care of the technical programming of incoming documents and the scan software. Together with the future users, we developed comprehensible new workflows and control mechanisms. User training courses with Com In before the final implementation proved to be extremely useful, as they helped employees understand the new workflows and securely use these in practice. Even after the setup of the digital process, Com In made themselves available to us for further optimization.

Now we can’t imagine a different solution for processing these notices – nobody wants to return to the “old world.” This is particularly true after we experienced the tremendous advantages “live” during the Covid pandemic and can now take advantage of these to work from home without disruptions.

We’re currently preparing the process of receiving bills for regional procedures as well as the digital files for leasing, purchasing, and selling. Over the course of this, we continue to rely on and benefit from the support of Com In as a competent partner.

Kathrin Hogrefe, Team Leader for Central Functions, Department of Property Transfers

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Case studies and customer testimonials

Our customers and their path to success with the real estate and property management software com.LIVIS.

Our case studies show how our software solution com.LIVIS successfully supports the management and development of large numbers of plots in the agricultural and forestry industries.

Landgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern relies on the com.LIVIS software

At LGMV mbH, around 60 com.LIVIS users handle the management and leasing of agricultural land and bodies of water used for fishing.


Niedersächsische Landgesellschaft relies on the com.LIVIS software

A total of 110 LIVIS users manage our varied tasks in regional business for farmers, developers, and communes.


Customer testimonials

Trust in the many excellent evaluations from our satisfied customers in the DACH region.

„As an integrated real estate management system, com.TRADENET offers countless advantages – including in the creation of sales forecasts for future location developments.“

Andreas Weber, Senior Department Head | Expansion, McDonald's

„Responding and acting more quickly... optimizing processes and saving costs. In addition to this main task from our everyday business, being able to retrieve data from the existing “treasure trove” in com.TRADENET and using them for analyses and strategic planning is becoming increasingly valuable.“

Andreas Kühn, Processes and Controlling, Construction and Building Management, Dirk Rossmann GmbH

„We found a comprehensive and customizable solution for our network of gas stations with com.TRADENET. We were able to integrate paperless order management and expand our asset management with the software. Since com.TRADENET is continually developing and offers new features and optimizations, it is the right software for our future in the overall area of store management.“

Torben Schaff, Asset Management Coordinator, Gas Station Business Unit, team energie GmbH & Co. KG

„Thanks to the use of com.TRADENET, we were able to realize our plans for a ‘paperless office’. The systems allow us to efficiently map or store processes and documents, resulting in more transparent and effective work steps.“

Brigitte Hunze, Head of Building Organization & Property Management, coop eG

„Com In has been a competent and solution-oriented partner for us for many years. The com.TRADENET software, gives us the option of optimally mapping the lifecycle of our stores.“

Daniel Köster, Chief Strategy and Portfolio Officer, Ernsting's family GmbH & Co. KG

„With com.TRADENET, we managed to make our expansion management process more transparent and efficient. The results and high data quality quickly prompted us to expand the use of the application to additional areas.“

Martin Peiffer, Head of Property Management, Apollo Optik

„com.LIVIS helps us map our site management in a high-quality, transparent, and audit-proof manner and in accordance with our requirements and those of our clients.“

Kathrin Hogrefe, Team Leader for Centralized Tasks, Department for Property Transactions, Landgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mbH