Profile of Kai.

Interview with Kai Leonhardt
Software Developer in the area of products.
How did you learn about Com In?
I’ve always been interested in computer science. This passion was further ignited at school. Back then, I already enjoyed programming and did plenty of it. At some point, a classmate told me about Com In.
At the SVZ apprenticeship day, I actively approached Com In, talked to potential colleagues on site, and at that point, the company had already won me over.
Com In simply made the best impression of all companies, so I actually only submitted a single application to Com In.
I was then invited to a trial day, where I was able to prove my knowledge in practical applications. I enjoyed this experience so much and was so blown away that I sat down that same evening to learn more about these fields.
What challenges/tasks does your job entail?
My tasks at Com In are quite varied, as my skills are useful in many different areas. In my opinion, the job description of a software developer has changed considerably in the last few years. In the meantime, it encompasses far more than just programming and also entails close and constant communication with customers.
Furthermore, the goal no longer just lies in satisfying the end user, but particularly also colleagues in other departments who need to maintain and manage customers’ software. The entire delivery process is in transition.
The constant change in the profession and the industry is particularly appealing to me. As a successful software developer, I think it’s very important to continually develop your skills and learn about new technologies early on. This constitutes a big challenge, but is imperative if you want to advance a product or a company.
Open source is also playing more and more of a significant role. Without open source, modern software development wouldn’t have reached the level it has today.
What do you like about your job and Com In?
The work, the team, the company. Everyone can chime in with their suggestions and ideas. They’re not ignored, but discussed, considered, and potentially implemented. These could be ideas regarding the product/project itself, or any internal processes. Ideas are always welcome and accepted. That was already the case during my apprenticeship. Just because something is working very well right now, doesn’t mean there isn’t an even better way. Criticism is also accepted.
The development framework isn’t too tight; we enjoy plenty of freedom. On the other hand, it isn’t casual enough to descend into chaos.
You feel right at home here, both in the team and the company itself.
In terms of the apprenticeship: There was always something to do. I had excellent support throughout the apprenticeship and up the exam. If any questions came up, I always had a contact person who would give me a quick answer.
What do you do in your free time?
I used to do lots of programming in my free time too. Today, my interests have shifted a little, and I use the little remaining time I have for more specific research topics rather than programming work. But I still like to keep trying new things.
These days, playing volleyball takes up most of my free time. At the moment, I even play in a league. With three trainings a week, tournaments, and league games, I don’t have much time left for my former passion. Of course, I also make time to see my friends.
But I secretly still hope for my own big or well-known open source project. Maybe one day!
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Com In is growing, and we’re always looking for motivated employees who have the drive to shape the future success of the company with their ideas and passion.
Short, unbureaucratic paths and open interactions between colleagues are par for the course. Our colleagues offer a glimpse into their world of work here.
The Com In management team consists of owner and managing director Torsten Hecht as well as the department heads of the company’s respective areas of responsibility.
Founded as a traditional computer retailer in 1991 – now an established provider of software solutions with references throughout Germany and beyond country borders.

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